This site is operated by GO! KARUTA, INC. a non-profit organization in the United States.
Kyogi Karuta is a Japanese game
Ogura Hyakunin-isshu "karuta" cards.
Each "karuta"
card has an ancient poem on it.
It is a card game--however, it does not look like any other card games
such as poker, contract bridge, etc.
It is the game of speed, memorization and concentration.
Photo: Kyogi Karuta game demonstrated by Shin-ichi Nagaoka (left) and
Yoshimasa Kobayashi. January 2007, Bangkok
Washington DC Inishie Karuta Club
We practice every Sunday near Washington, D.C.
競技かるたハンドブック ダウンロード(フリー)
Kyogi Karuta Handbook(PDF) (Free Download)
(Japanese, English, Thai, Chinese, French, Portuguese and more versions are available.)
Online game to learn how to play kyogi karuta online
Reciting app. 読み上げアプリ
Wasura Mochi わすらもち
Naniwa zu Inaba kun 難波津いなばくん
Recite Karuta かるた独唱
How and where should I measure my body when buying a Kimono and Hakama?
I don't live in Japan. Where can I buy Karuta cards?
For Karuta clubs' information, please visit All Japan Karuta Association
Or please contact karutastone★
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